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brecht || bard
Australian Ensemble
brecht||bard project
Philippe Klaus
Penny Day
Peter Talmacs
Theon Ajax
Rachael Mae Cook
Christine Greenough
Terry Karabelas
Garreth Cruikshank
Richard Mason
Roger Adam Smith
Mary Haire
Tricia Youlden
Lawrence Toye

Creative Insight: Director's Note
Often referred to as Richard II, the play's full title is 'The Tragedy of King Richard The Second' and it is - It's also a tell-tale about a country divided, hard-core partisan politics drenched in ancient sacred blood-lines, and a leader unfit to rule. Contained within it's narrative, for example, is some of the most unbridled invectives spoken by rivals of equal status face-to-face ever written - it's raw, it's rough, its riveting scene work and a dream for actors to play.
Additionally, the play contains perhaps (arguably) one of the most glorious 'mirror up to nature' soliloquy ever to be written, stripping the thoughts of a King, fallen from grace, to the backbone of his being. The stakes are as high as can be: a country, it's throne, it's people and it's Crown.
#joyofthetext #actorsdream

Creative Insight: Director's Note
On 30th July 1947, Brecht's 'Galileo' had it's world premiere at The Coronet Theatre in Los Angeles with the great English actor, Charles Laughton, playing the title role. It was directed by the renowned film director, Joseph Losey, who also had a theatre CV. How did this incredible artistic collaboration come about? After emigrating to the US from Hitler's Germany, Brecht translated and re-worked the first version of the play - The Life of Galileo - in collaboration with Charles Laughton. This re-worked version was titled - Galileo - . This second version formed the basis for Losey's 1975 film adaptation for American Film Theatre under the title 'Galileo' with Topol in the title role.
#moderntext #actorsdream
The HUBStudio in Chippendale will be the location for the 2019 Sydney Development Workshops running over two consecutive weekends - 28th and 29th September and 5th and 6th October.

Riley Street Studio will be the location for the auditions for the Sydney Development Workshops on Saturday August 24th, 1pm to 4.15pm (last audition slot).


GALILEO DesignDraftBoard #1

Galileo Look-Book

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